SOMUN 100/150g e TARTARUGA 120g

SOMUN 100/150g e TARTARUGA 120g

SOMUN 100/150g e TARTARUGA 120g

Altino Pane introduces small sandwiches for the first time!

In 100g and 150g formats, SOMUN are the first round-shaped sandwiches to enter the Altino Pane product catalogue. Ideal for filling, slightly hollow inside, they can hold sauces better than any other sandwich! They are also excellent filled with meat, as they retain the sauce and release it at the first bite!

The 120g TARTARUGA, with its perfect mini-rectangular shape and its reticulated rind, is also one of the company’s novelties. It too, like Somun sandwiches, goes sweetly with all types of fillings!

Ask for a sample, we will be happy to provide it to you!